Alessandro Artini (*2000, Zuclo, TN) channels his artistic expression into the landscape of his childhood, skillfully amalgamating elements with a touch of nostalgia while steering clear of romantic clichés. The genesis of his creative process involves field sketches, which later evolve into meticulous studies before finally manifesting as oil paintings, with the underlying drawing acting as a guiding force. Artini's artistic approach underscores his inclination to maintain a deliberate emotional and physical distance from the mountainous subject matter he portrays.

His inaugural solo exhibition, titled Schneewalzer, stands as the culmination of a project research residency that Artini undertook in Val Gardena in the early days of October 2023. Throughout this transformative experience, the artist intentionally liberated his mind from preconceived objectives, allowing unforeseen events to unpredictably shape his creations. Serendipitous discoveries seamlessly weave into the fabric of his research, injecting a dynamic and ever-evolving focus into his works.

With a discerning eye, Artini immerses himself in observing the surrounding context, translating his perceptions into vibrant canvases. In his art, the mountain-inspired architecture exerts a compelling influence on the observer, seamlessly intertwining with the construction methodologies native to the locale. For Artini, the aesthetics of the landscape intersect with both tradition and human necessity. His paintings transcend mere representation, delving deeply into the context in which each work comes to life, fostering a unique and authentically contemporary connection.

Alessandro Artini
