Irina Dora Magurean is an artist from Cluj, Romania who works with photography, a medium she uses to experiment and think about photography itself in a metalinguistic way: lights, shapes, colours and shadows populate her images and are the starting and ending point of her works.

In her photographs, Magurean draws inspiration from a detail of an artwork she encounters, from everyday objects with a particular shape, or from a ray of sunlight coming in through a window, creating shadows and reflections. In these photographs, the framing becomes tight, the boundaries blurred until the subject is no longer recognisable thus becoming an abstract composition. Magurean's work is minimalist, she removes everything redundant in order to achieve an essential, semi-pictorial final image that encompasses the basic elements of photography: light and lines. For the artist, cutting out any distracting elements also means leaving more space and freedom to the imagination of the viewer of her photographs.

For GARASC, Irina Dora Magurean presents Everything to form under the sun, a dialogue between photographic works from three projects the artist has been working on recently: Stories never meant to be known (2020 - ongoing), Untitled form of light (2014 - ongoing) and Roenthgen Strahlung einer Fotografie (2022).

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Irina Dora Magurean
Everything to form under the sun

13.12. – 20.01.2022