A “hairy” plant becomes the stem of a leaf, then a fish tail, and finally turns into a fig tree with different shapes. In Some Plants and a Tale, Lucian Popăilă, a young artist born in 1991 in Baia Mare, Romania, embarks on a journey through the processes of image mutations. On the edge between drawing and painting, Popăilă works with sinopia, a technique that involves a fresh lime support on which he quickly traces the drawing, and with a few colours echoing the origins of painting, such as ochre, red, black and white. Inspired by the Roman frescoes of Pompeii and Villa Livia, in The Experiment series the artist plays the role of a Roman painter and mixes the lime with sheep fur and coloured pigment in an attempt to imagine what it meant to create images in ancient times. Popăilă plays with painting and has fun discovering how images are self-generated from it, in search of visual archetypes that are still active.

Lucian Popăilă's Some Plants and a Tale is the third stage of GARASC, a project dedicated to emerging young artists, created to experiment and explore the gallery ecosystem.

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Lucian Popăilă
Some Plants and A Tale

30.04 - 15.06.2022